New and Improved Crown Display Search Facility!

We’ve had a few technical issues with the blog page of late so it hasn’t been updated in a while but I hope this blog finds you well.  As well as fixing this page, which was no small task, we’ve been working incredibly hard behind the scenes implementing a technical upgrade on the main Crown Display website.  You won’t see many visible changes but the site should be much faster with fewer hiccups.  One of the biggest changes we’ve made is to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for the page by improving our search facility.

You have always been able to search the site using the box at the top left of the screen but many of you mentioned that it didn’t always return the results you were looking for, it was text based and just generally wasn’t user friendly.

The search box is still in the same place:

Search box


But now when you type, a large box will appear showing the related products including an image.  You can also filter these results by your price range:

showing new search box


And best of all; you don’t even need to spell it correctly!


search box incorrect spelling

Why not visit Crown Display’s website and have a go yourself.  Please let us know what you think!

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