Monthly Archives: October 2013

Retail shop shelving jargon buster!

Posted in Shelving, Uncategorised Tagged , , , |

Following on from last week’s blog about our most commonly asked questions on slatwall, much confusion arises from ‘technical jargon’ when talking about retail shop shelving. We call them ‘plinths’ whilst you call them ‘kick plates’ ‘kickers ‘foot fronts’ along

Slatwall; your FAQ’s

Posted in Slatwall, Uncategorised Tagged , , , |

Slatwall; your FAQ’s We spend a lot of time answering questions in the office, some obvious and some very obscure, so this week I thought I’d answer the 5 most common questions we receive about slatwall.

An Alternative Shop Shelving System?

Posted in News, Uncategorised Tagged , , |

I complimented a fellow tweeter (is that what we are called?) on their recent shop design.  I’d really like to share what she did with you.  Money is tight for everyone at the moment, not least small businesses, and having